SEO Expert India

Best SEO Expert Delhi, India

Our Work Process

We follow certain work process to deliver the work to our esteemed client

The core part of our work (web design, web development and seo) is not necessary for only coding process using HTML, CSS, etc or direct implementation. But what usually stay behind the scenes are more vital.

The stages of our work process are as follows:

Plan : Before getting into the work or any task or module, we generally plan, analyze about the goal, requirement, time estimation and resource allocation. These are the terms to control our work flow an balance.

Build : It is also important to take care while working. It should be notable that whether our work is efficient or fullfill the client's business need or not. We split our work small module for better execution.

Lunch : Before deliver the work to client it is necessary to check and cross check every work whether it will reach client and customer expectation or not. Also we first release our work into staging environment while developing and designing.

Feedback : Feedback and reviews are very useful for improve and enhancing the functionality and usage of website.

Work Process